Choosing to Light a Match
It’s easy to curse the dark. It’s easy to focus on the negative, to dwell on the struggles, or to get lost in the "what-ifs" and "why-nots." But where does that leave us? The truth is, when we choose to focus on the dark, we’re not just stuck—we’re blind. Blind to the goodness of God, blind to the opportunities for growth, and blind to the light He’s called us to carry.
Faith and The Bamboo Tree
When we give our lives to Jesus, we’re making a monumental decision—a choice to surrender, to trust, and to follow. But the journey of faith doesn’t end with that initial moment.
Car Worship
One way that I love to spend time with the Lord is by playing worship music, specifically in the car. Recently, when I began to play these songs I began to wrestle with whether or not I was truly encountering the Lord. Not only was I wondering if I was encountering the Lord, but I was wondering if I was truly glorifying him.
More like Jesus
I felt like the Lord prompted the question in my heart of whether or not my inward, quiet moments also showed the actions of Jesus.
What am I doing when I am at my laziest point, what am I looking at, how am I speaking, what does my space look like and what are my thoughts like?
Gentle Knocking at your Heart
One thing more specifically that the Lord is teaching me is that despite what the enemy says, his word is in fact not fleeting and neither is he.
If we recognize this and the true character of Jesus we will come to realize and truly TASTE and SEE what a blessing it is that everything of this world is vastly the opposite of God's word.
Defined by Him
When thinking about who I used to be and who I am today, I find myself in constant awe of what the Lord has done in my life, teaching me about who the world says I am and then who HE says I am.
Mother’s Day in Grief
Holiday’s are different since my mom left this earth, they feel less special somehow and also more special at the same time. Grief is a combination feeling…
A Grief Story of Hope
My mom and best friend passed away in a tragic car accident in October of 2020. In the beginning of grief, my instinct was to isolate, to stay stuck in the grief, because moving forward meant I wasn’t honoring my mom.
Day 7 | Easter Sunday - The Resurrection
When is the last time you went back and really read through the details of the resurrection?
Day 6 | Good Friday - The Crucifixtion
Today, I want to look at a few events that led up to the crucifixion, reading the details and really thinking how the people felt during this time is a powerful reflection for each of us to take time to look in the mirror at our own lives and hearts.
Day 5 | The Agony of Prayer
Taking a moment today to feel Jesus’s heart in his last few days on Earth, has my heart overwhelmed with gratitude for his sacrifice for me.
Day 3 | Anointing at Bethany
One of my favorite stories of the week leading up to the crucifixion is when Jesus was at the house of Simon the leper, and a woman approached him with an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume…
Day 2 | Cleansing The Temple
It says in scripture that once Jesus entered the city, he went to the Temple.